Forrest County, Ms
DuProcess® Board Minutes
Meeting Search Criteria
12 months:
2 years:
All Meetings:

Begin Date:
End Date:

Official Book:
Official Page:

Keyword Search:
Minute Line:
Results matching criteria - Click row to select


Meeting Details (ID #{{ Transaction.PrimaryKeyValue }})

  1. {{ item.Instrument.Description }} [bk/pg:{{ item.Instrument.BookReel }}/{{ item.Instrument.PageImage }}]

Welcome to the Forrest County, Ms Board Minutes Public Record.

The Board Meeting Minutes have been digitized and made available for searching by keyword or meeting date.
    To use the online inquiry:
  1. Choose the meeting time frame using the selection of "last 12 months", "last 2 years", or "all records" - this will limit the search to the specified date range
  2. Optionally enter a keyword in either the "Meeting item description" or the "document text content". The former will search the clerk entered line item description, the latter will search the textual content of the attached documents.
  3. Click the "Search meeting minutes" button to show the selectable items in the criteria list.
  4. Choosing one of the selection items will display all the line items as well as the images associated with each line item.
  5. Using the image viewer you may zoom into the document and move between pages. A full screen mode is available by click the expand icon in the right corner.
By using this site you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the county as well as data privacy laws where applicable.
